UK Package (platinum VRS)

For high-end and/or complicated UK vehicle registration. Platinum VRS order form below.
Designed for higher-value vehicles; any age or origin; whether LHD, RHD, from the EU or outside the EU. The cost of this package is £995. The price includes VAT.
Fastest, prioritised service for higher-end imports and complicated vehicles. Includes face to face meetings if needed and can also be done with the customer being outside the UK.
For those with no time or appetite for forms and red tape, we'll provide a service dedicated to helping get your UK logbook, with a member of our team assigned as Personal Assistant (PA) through the process.
DVLA UK: V55/5 registration application form. Fully filled in, ready for the DVLA processing unit. Signed and authorised by us, as agent.
Also, we prepare an import/export/origin statement for the DVLA application (if relevant).
HMRC UK: NOVA submission statement and proof of logging on the NOVA system for the vehicle. A NOVA clearance is essential for all UK vehicle registrations.
EC TYPE APPROVAL [COC]: Procurement (ordering) on your behalf of an ECWVTACOC for your vehicle, AND/OR assisting with booking for you a DVSA IVA compliance test, if an ECWVTACOC is not possible due to the vehicle's origin. Please note that IVA testing has to be booked under a category (reason) and specific documents will be required from you. We only do the liaison with the DVSA to do with test booking, and advise you accordingly. You have the responsibility of providing the correct documentation and the documents needed varies according to the relevant category. Our role is to advise you of your category needs and collate information, and pass to the DVSA. Lack of the correct documentation from your side WILL RESULT IN NO TEST BEING POSSIBLE. if this occurs, the registration procedure will stall and we will tell you if it can go no further. Please be sure to ask us if you are uncertain what documentation is needed for your application type, or contact the DVSA and ask them, before you purchase our service, because a refund will not be possible if the procedure stalls, or if it turns out to be impossible to book testing.
VCA UK: If the vehicle is LHD and/or KPH speedo, asistance with a VCA Certificate of Mutual EU Recognition for your vehicle. Please note that you will have to produce a VAT receipt for work having been done on the speedo, lights, and rear fog light. We supply a template receipt for the garage.
And we also supply some FAST TRACK instructions notes for DVLA.
--- the registration package will be sent by us to the DVLA, as your agent. If a problem arises with the DVLA we continue to work on the registration application.
NOTE FOR ALL VEHICLES: at the point of DVLA Registration application the DVLA does carry out vehicle checks with Interpol and other agencies abroad. If the DVLA decline an application on the grounds of foreign write-off or insurance confiscation, or another reason, we will not be able to go any further with our assistance in registration. In the event of this outcome no refund will be possible against work done by us or against expectations you may have formed about your vehicle registration in the UK. We therefore strongly advise you to practice due diligence and check that you trust in the history and status of the vehicle you are buying, or that you bought, and wish to UK register.
You send what documents you have and your ID to us. We forward to the DVLA as your agent.
We prepare the final application package for DVLA and send it off to them as your agent.
If a problem arises with the DVLA we continue to work on the registration application, as agent.
includes ICOC for UK;
Government Agency Charges: Notice about costs, other than our fee for logbook service.
Additional UK road tax, testing and compliance costs that are not included in our work fee:
DVLA UK: The DVLA number plate allocation fee of £55, is not included in our fee as agent and your administrator, for your registration.
HMRC UK: Any VAT or duty (excise) the UK hmrc deem payable for you and your vehicle is not included in our fee as agent and your administrator, for your registration. This is rarely applied. please ask us if you are unsure about a VAT levy.
EC TYPE APPROVAL: Procurement on your behalf of an ECWVTACOC for your vehicle, will cost a commissioning/procurement fee from the vehicle's manufacturer or an agent thereof.
VCA UK: If your vehicle needs a VCA certification (due to GB-EU mutual standard certification, and Left hand drive or KPH speedo). And/or your vehicle may need a P FORMAT PROVISIONAL RECOGNITION FOR GB TYPE APPROVAL. VCA certification fees are not included in our fee as agent and your administrator for your registration.
DVSA 'IVA' or 'MSVA' test: If your vehicle needs either of these, we will book it for you as part of our service but the test fee is not included in our fee as agent and your administrator, for your registration.
DVSA MOT test: If your vehicle is more than three years old and less than 40 years old, and not exempt from UK MOT testing (ask us if undure) , it will require an MOT test pass. The cost of this test is not included in our fee as agent and your administrator, for your registration.
OTHER FEES: Please note that our charge (fee mentioned above) does not include DVLA fees (£55 registration processing fee, plus the UK road tax as applicable). Nor does it include any fees that may be necessary for ECWVTACOC document procurement (fee charged by vehicle manufacturer), vehicle dating evidence (if needed and if being obtained by us), IVA testing (if needed), VCA Left Hand Drive [LHD] / KPH recognition (if needed), UK MOT testing.